-it was well planned
-it was easy and simple to understand what the article is going to be about.
-add interviews with comic/marvel fans to get a wide range of views from different people
i have given this idea some consideration and i believe it would be a good part for my online article, as people can read the views of a wide range of people and not just mine.
-include my own back story:
why I prefer marvel over other comic companies
how i got into comics and marvel
why i want to write an article helping people understand marvels avengers franchise.
this will help to give a deeper understanding into why i enjoy comics and why i prefer marvel. this can also help to convince people to read my article as there are more than on topic.
-maybe focus on just Marvel or Just DC as this helps it stop being bias
i thought this considered this comment and decided to just focus on Marvel as this makes my articles less bias and simpler.